Barrister And Mann-Spice 保湿滋润舒缓无酒精男士须后膏 110ml
Sprawdź w chińskim sklepie- 100 — 1999 шт 5000$/szt
- 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$/szt
- 50120+ шт 3000$/szt
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Barrister And Mann® Spice Aftershave Balm
Barrister And Mann® 辛香 男士须后膏
Description 描述
Who says the old ways aren't the best ways? Spice is a slice of vintage Ame- ricana. Featuring notes of carnation, nutmeg, vanilla, and tonka bean, Spice is great for when you're looking for a bit of history. Your suave, dapper gra- ndfather? Yeah, he wore this.
Alcohol-free afte-rshave balm is a glorious tre- at for the skin. this soothing, moisturizing emulsion will calm irritation and redness and leave your skin feeling moisturized for hours on end.
谁说旧方法不是个好的方法?Spice 是一种古老的美国情调。Spice 带有康乃 馨、肉豆蔻、香草和零陵香豆的香气,这是历史复古的香氛。 这款舒缓保湿须后膏,富含超保湿的果仁、水解燕麦蛋白和滋养的萝卜籽油 等天然植物成分,可以缓解刺激和泛红的肌肤,让您的肌肤持续数小时保持 滋润。无酒精配方。
- Featuring notes of carnation, nutmeg, vanilla, and tonka bean.
- 香调:康乃馨、肉豆蔻、香草和零陵香豆的香气
- Enriched with super-moisturizing kokum and cupaçu butters.
- 富含超保湿木仁油和 cupaçu 黄油,水解燕麦蛋白
- Nourishing daikon seed oil
- 滋养肌肤萝卜籽油
- Soothing,moisturizing calm irritation and redness.
- 舒缓,保湿,镇静刺激和泛红
- Alcohol-free.
- 不含酒精
Made in USA