红色黄耳塞环保慢回弹防噪音耳塞 防噪音耳塞 防护耳塞 海绵耳塞
Sprawdź w chińskim sklepie- 100 — 1999 шт 5000$/szt
- 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$/szt
- 50120+ шт 3000$/szt
Weryfikacja + fotorelacja za 1.50$
Weryfikujemy zamówione towary i robimy fotorelację, abyś miał/a pewność, że zamówione przez Ciebie towary nie posiadają żadnych wad i są zgodne z opisem.
Dostawa z Chin do Ukrainy, Uzbekistanu, krajów Unii Europejskiej.
Dostawa płatna, po przybyciu paczki do magazynu w Chinach
Zwrot towaru jest możliwy tylko wtedy, kiedy paczka znajduje się w naszym magazynie w Chinach. Po wysyłce paczki z Chin, produkty nie podlegają zwrotowi.
Zdjęcia oraz opis towaru

尺 寸:外盒:3.5x3.5cm,耳塞约:2.5x1.2cm
材 料:聚氨酯发泡材料
糖果色的耳塞 很可爱呢 有小盒装着 携带很方便的
还是在工厂、建筑工地、繁华市区等地方 都可以免受噪声干扰哦
1.降噪耳塞 只能降低噪音分贝 不可能完全隔绝噪音哦
2.标价为一对带盒的价格 颜色混发
有些耳塞摸起来黏黏的,戴在耳朵里还会粘住耳道的皮肤,应尽量避免购买。 最好的鉴别方式就是把两只耳塞紧紧地粘在一起再分离,看他们分离的时间,越快越好。
【Product Property】
Bullet profile design, smooth surface by anti-pollution treatment, wearing health, safety, soft and comfortable, good sound insulati
【Product Advantages】
Long rebound, good flexibility, foam products even , uniform structure, smooth surface without adhesive, noise effective
【Product Packing】
1 pair/ bag, 200 bags/boxes 20boxes/cart0n
Packaging can be customized according to customer requirements
【Direction of Use】
Take out the earplug, with the index finger and thumb to rub fine;
The other hand will be brought out stuffed up ears (this is important) and hold, then rub the small earplug round towards ears, stuffed them;
Hand on earplug until the earplug swelling shape is completely in the ear.(about last 30)
【Production capacity】
We have a strong production capacity, output up to 20 million pairs everyday. Delivery time is short. Conventional color products in stock. (Orange and yellow as conventional color)
Low rebound and anti-noise earplug is a one-time products which can not wash and reuse
【How to identify the quality earplug】
1.Low rebound effect
If it is too flexible, anti-noise earplug swelling suppression the canal skin, can cause ear swelling, earache and other discomfort. Flexibility can not be too small to close contact with the external ear canal, noise effect will be reduced. So we must observe ear plug and play back the return time, the better the quality.
Flexibility directly affects the comfort level of wearing earplugs.
3.Surface texture
Some earplugs feel sticky, they will stick the ear canal skin when you worn on. We should avoid buying. The best way to identify is sticking two earplugs together closely then separating them. The separation time is the sooner the better.
The company can be customized according to customer specifications, color and packaging of products. Welcome new
and old customers to consult and discuss with us.