儿童手模石膏 克隆手指 情侣手模 克隆粉3D立体手模DIY制作克隆粉
Sprawdź w chińskim sklepie- 100 — 1999 шт 5000$/szt
- 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$/szt
- 50120+ шт 3000$/szt
Weryfikacja + fotorelacja za 1.50$
Weryfikujemy zamówione towary i robimy fotorelację, abyś miał/a pewność, że zamówione przez Ciebie towary nie posiadają żadnych wad i są zgodne z opisem.
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厂家直销,支持一件代发,联系电话:15034303391。克隆粉有2种分别为:白色变粉色变凝固后变白色,蓝色变紫色凝固后变蓝色 .克隆粉可分装100g 400g 500g 600g。模型粉可分装100g 200g 1000g 1200g。还有婴儿克隆粉凝固时间短详情请联系客服。
3D Baby Hand & Foot Casting Keepsake Kit Easy Step-by-Step Instructions
(up to 1 year old baby)
Items Required:
- 1 x Plastic container large enough to submerge your baby’s hand or foot in the molding liquid. You can also use a clear strong plastic bag if you do not have a container.
- 1 x Smaller plastic bowl to mix the stone plaster
- Mixing spoon
- Thermometer
- Timer
- 1 x100g bag of stone plaster
- 1 x100g bag of molding powder mix
- 300 to320 mL of warm water to mix themolding powder (3 to3.2 times the amount of powder)
- 80to90 mL of warm water to mix thestone plaster powder (1/3 to 1/2 of the amount of powder)
IMPORTANT:Do not add too much water to the powder mixtures or they willNOT set correctly and your casting will not be successful.
- 1. Mix the molding powder with3 to3.2 times the amount of powder (300 to320 mL). Stir quickly until mixture is as smooth as possible. The mixture will turn a purple/pink color.Remember not to add too much water to the mixture.
- 2. After 1 minute, place baby’s hand or foot into this purple molding mixture at once. Please make sure the hand or foot is completely submerged, and doesn’t break the surface of the mixture or touch the edge of cup.
- 3. Try to keep your baby’s hand or foot as still as possible while the molding mixture is setting.
- 4. Hold your baby’s foot in the mold for 240 more seconds to ensure the mold is fully set, then you can very carefully and smoothly remove their hand or foot from the mold.
- 5. To ensure a smooth release from the mold, wiggle slightly back and forth so that air can enter the opening of the mold.
- 6. Once the hand or foot has been removed, Open bag of plaster powder 50g, and mix with 1/3 to 1/2 of the amount of water (80 to90 mL). Stir as quickly until the mixture is as smooth as possible.Do not add too much water to the stone powder. The higher the concentration the stronger the casting will be.
- 7. Slowly pour the stone powder mixture into the opening of the mold.Gently jiggle the mold while pouring to ensure the liquid enters all the tiny areas and to avoid air becoming trapped inside creating air bubbles.
- 8. After 1 hours the stone mixture should be set. VERY gently remove the mold away from the casting. You can very carefully use a knife to help open the mold or by hand. Ensure open it very slow to ensure that you do not break the casting.
- 9. Once the casting is removed you may see a little powder on the surface. It can be washed by water, and air dry over 24 hours.
- 10. Paint Coat: After 24 hours you can paint your beautiful completed casting any color you wish.
厂家直销,支持一件代发,联系电话:15034303391。克隆粉有2种分别为:白色变粉色变凝固后变白色,蓝色变紫色凝固后变蓝色 .克隆粉可分装100g 400g 500g 600g。模型粉可分装100g 200g 1000g 1200g。还有婴儿克隆粉凝固时间短详情请联系客服。