Car keyless entry 汽车遥控中控锁免钥匙进入系统防盗器热卖
Sprawdź w chińskim sklepie- 100 — 1999 шт 5000$/szt
- 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$/szt
- 50120+ шт 3000$/szt
Weryfikacja + fotorelacja za 1.50$
Weryfikujemy zamówione towary i robimy fotorelację, abyś miał/a pewność, że zamówione przez Ciebie towary nie posiadają żadnych wad i są zgodne z opisem.
Dostawa z Chin do Ukrainy, Uzbekistanu, krajów Unii Europejskiej.
Dostawa płatna, po przybyciu paczki do magazynu w Chinach
Zwrot towaru jest możliwy tylko wtedy, kiedy paczka znajduje się w naszym magazynie w Chinach. Po wysyłce paczki z Chin, produkty nie podlegają zwrotowi.
Zdjęcia oraz opis towaru
Press Lock on the remote control. Direction light will flash once and the door will be locked. LED indicator will start to flash.
Note: When power window signal is programmed as Siren Output, the siren will beep once after door is locked.
Press Unlock on the remote control. Direction light will flash twice and the door will be unlocked.
Note: When power window signal is programmed as Siren Output, the siren will beep twice after door is unlocked.
Press and hold Trunk button on the remote control for 3 seconds, direction light will flash twice and the trunk will be released.
Press and hold Unlock button on the remote control for 3 seconds, direction light will flash twice and the trunk will be released.
A. Press Car Find button, the direction light will flash. Press any button to exit Car Find mode. Press Unlock button will disarm the system (3-button remote control does not have this feature.)
B:Press LOCK button and after 4 seconds press it again, system will enter Car Find mode.
Electronic / Vacuum Central Lock Option
Electronic central lock is 0.5 seconds and 5 seconds for vacuum central lock.
Factory default is electronic central lock.
Press the LOCK button on the remote control, the main unit will give a 25-second power window negative signal to rise the windows.
Auto Central Lock
ACC turn to ON: central lock will lock automatically.
ACC turn to OFF: central lock will unlock automatically.
ACC turn to ON, press LOCK button the remote control: central lock will lock automatically.
ACC turn to ON, press UNLOCK button the remote control: central lock will unlock automatically.
Hold and press the learning button inside the main unit, the direction light will be on and then it will enter the learning mode.
Press any button on 1st remote control, the direction light will flash once means the learning code is successful.
Press any button on 2nd remote control, the direction light will flash once means the learning code is successful.
After 2 remote controls are successfully learned, the system will exit learning mode automatically.
1.Power window / Siren signal feature programming
Within 10 seconds that the main unit is connected to the power, hold and press the LOCK or UNLOCK button on the remote control to program the features.
LOCK: power window negative by default
UNLOCK: Siren negative
2.Auto central lock programming
Within 10 seconds that the main unit is connected to the power, turn ACC to ON, hold and press LOCK and UNLOCK button for 2 seconds, direction light will be turned on, and then press the remote control button to program:
Press LOCK button: ACC turned to ON and door will be locked automatically